What training is offered by Elections Montréal?


Elections Montréal offers on-line training for all its polling staff. The position you hold will determine the training program you must follow.

Preparation for all staff is done in two stages: (1) completing online self-study module(s) that includes some exercises and (2) testing your knowledge. The successful completion of this evaluation is essential to be able to occupy the position you applied to. 

After successfully completing the training, the polling staff could have questions. If this is the case, they are invited to participate to a visioconference meeting with a trainer.

What is a self-study module?


The self-study modules are available online on this website. You can access yours by selecting the position you have been hired for. The self-study modules can be accessed using a computer or mobile device connected to the Internet.

Where can I find my training capsules?


All the self-study training capsules are available on the Elections Montréal website. They are accessible at all times.

How long does the training last?


The alloted time for the training depends on the position you hold. Each alloted time is indicated at the beginning of each training module.

How much time do I have to complete my self-training?


After confirmation of your employment, you will have up to three days to complete the various self-training modules as well as the knowledge assessment.

Do I have to take an exam?


Some positions require the completion of a knowledge assessment. This is done after your self-training modules are completed. You will get the link to the self-training module specific to your position. You can redo your assessment as many times as you like. The results of your evaluation will be sent directly to the Elections Montréal point of service team in your borough.

I don't have access to the Internet from home. How can I take the Elections Montréal training?


Various resources are available to access a secure Internet network. It is usually possible to access an Internet network for free in any library in the City of Montreal.

I already worked in the last election, why go through yet another training course?


Municipal elections are different from other elections (federal, provincial or school). Training is mandatory for all election staff. Even if you have worked on elections in the past, or even recently, Elections Montréal’s guidelines may vary from one election to another.

If you need more information on the training of election staff, please contact the Elections Montréal service point in your borough.